Thursday, October 27, 2011


WOW!  We had some awesome projects turned in today!  I am going to try to hang up some projects in our hallway!  Thank you for all of your hard work!  Great job!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Culture Region Research

The past three days we have been researching the cultural regions around the world.  The students were placed in a particular region and given several resources to do research on their region.  They have become experts on their region over the course of three days.  They will be teaching their region to a new group (made up of all regions) on Monday and Tuesday! 

We will be having test over these regions next Friday, October 28th!  It is a major test grade but the students get to use their notes.  So it is important for everyone to take really great notes on Monday and Tuesday!!!


Monday, October 17, 2011


Okay kids!  Here is the extra credit that you have all been looking for!  You are all working so hard on your culture project and I am really excited to see the end results. is a great tool for researching your family history.  I found a really neat link to research information about your last name. 

You go to

Type in your last name into the blank that looks like this. 

Click on Search now after you type in your name. 

You will then get a screen that looks like this...

From this screen you can find all sorts of information about your last name.  Now...keep in mind that not every person with your last name is actually related to you.  I want you to look at all of the information about your last name and write a short summary about it.  Make sure you click on all of the links on the left hand side.  You can change the date to go back even further!  I will post my short summary under comments so you can see what I am looking for.  Please make sure you are following the guidelines in order to receive your full extra credit!  DO NOT POST YOUR LAST NAME IN YOUR SUMMARY!!!!  


Friday, October 14, 2011

Major Test coming up!

Today students created two games for their major test on Tuesday, October 18th.  These two games will help students study for their test.  On Monday, students will be given a list of vocabulary words to refresh their memory! 

Don't forget MAJOR test, Tuesday, October 18th!
Project Due, Wednesday, October 26th!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Human Geography

Human geography?  What does that mean?  Ask any 6th grade student at Ed Willkie and they can tell you!  We talked about where people live, how they live, and the way their family and lives are structured.  Students created a social pyramid in their passports and took notes over Human Geography the past two days.  We will have a MAJOR test on Tuesday, October 18th!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Major religions of the World

This past week we have learned about the major religions of the world.  Students created a circle map to define religion and the create a tree map to classify religion.  This thinking maps will come in handy when you are studying for the test we have on October 18th!  Today we finished up our discussion on religion.  Tomorrow we will begin discussing social structure. 

HINT:  Keep an eye out for an extra credit post!  It is coming your way VERY soon!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Start of a new six weeks!

Today begins the 2nd six weeks.  I can't believe how quickly the first six weeks flew by.  This six weeks we will be focusing on the culture and people around the world.  The students will have a project to complete this six weeks.  There is more information about the project on my website under "Important Information."  Students will be given all of this information tomorrow.  Don't forget tomorrow is picture day.